​​​What is a Triathlon?

A Triathlon is a race where you get to swim, bike, and run. It's pretty incredible!

What are the distances you compete in?
Our collegiate competition races are typically Olympic distance. Swim: 1500m, Bike: 40k, Run: 10k. There are also many races that have a Sprint distance. The lengths are about half the Olympic distance. 

Why would I want to do a triathlon?
They sound painful and rough. Nothing beats the feeling you get when you cross a finish line of a triathlon. It is truly an awesome experience. Plus, you get the benefits of not burning yourself out on swimming, cycling or running just by itself.

Do I have to race?

​Nope. While we would encourage everyone to Tri a race with us at least once. If you just enjoy doing social events, working out with a team, and having educational resources at your disposal that’s totally cool too. There is no requirement to do races or events.

Do I have to be a Triathlete?

Nope. We are athletes of all different sports. We have swimmers, cyclists, runners, and non-athletes just looking to stay in shape. There is something for everyone at UTSA Triathlon.

Nope. All are welcome.

What if I have zero experience?
Definitely. One of the main goals of this club is to expose people to the sport of triathlon. Veteran members are more than willing to help out the newer ones. One thing you’ll find about triathlon is that most people are friendly and excited to share their love of the sport.

I don't have a bike...can I still join?
Yep. Most new recruits start out with no biking experience. Come to the swims, runs, and indoor spin classes until you feel comfortable getting a bike. When the time is right come talk to our officers. They are all very knowledgeable whether you're looking for new or used. The Team also has a limited number of bikes available to rent out to Official Members.

Cost to be an Official Member?

Membership dues are $150 per year or $90 per semester.

Do I have to be a Member to workout with the team?

Nope. With the exception of Tuesday morning track practice and certain special events our group workouts are open to all UTSA students. 

Why would I want to pay to be a Member?

Members get access to personalized coaching via Paragon Training, special team discounts, access to the club budget, special events, and the ability to race as a UTSA Triathlon Team Member.  

Where do you Swim?
Our swims are held in the main Rec Center pool.​

Where do you Ride?

Our weekday rides start from outside the Rec Center. Check GroupMe for weekend rides as they tend to vary.

Where do you Run?

Our Tuesday runs are held at Walker Ranch Park. Thursday runs are held at the Valero Trailhead behind the Drury Inn. Carpools for both leave from outside the Rec Center.

Where can I find the Training Schedule?

​You can find it on this website here.

I have more Questions...

Contact (utsatriathlon@gmail.com) or ask on GroupMe.


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